
Get Fit: TV Workouts!!

So, who doesn't like to watch tv? Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, Keeping with the Kardashians, The Secret Life Of An American Teenager and this list can go on and on. BUT(!) yes there is a but to everything, how do you expect losing weight when you're lying on your couch? No, it's not gonna happen. But (again) I found the perfect solution for you. What about a workout that you'll do when you're watching TV?

TV Commercial Workout:

So this is my favorite cause really, I don't want to workout during my favorite show (but I will if I have to)  and you know those annoying commercial that interrupt your show, well they're going to get you fitter!! This is seriously the best idea someone could come up with!

The Pretty Little Liars Workout:

I feel like a lot of girls follow Pretty Little Liars (so am I :) you don't just need to sit on your couch! Get up and do those exercises, if you do this one plus the commercial one you won't even have to workout more during the day! So it's a double win!

The True Blood Workout:

The Kardashians Workout:

The Spongebob Workout:

The Secret Life Of An American Teenager Workout:

The Vampire Diaries Workout:

American Idol Workout:

So yeah that's just some of them you can find tons of more on the internet! Check out this blog for more! They even have movie workouts which are super cool!! :)

Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored 

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