
Favorite July Nail Polishes!!!

Colors, sun, fun those are the (for me) the best words to describe the summer :) We all wanna look pretty and girly right? So, when we're getting ready we cannot forget about our nails!! They are what we use to do pretty much everything! I read somewhere that guys really liked girls with manicured hands. Here are some of my best july nail polishes! :)



So those are my favorite nail polishes at the moment!! What's your favorite color for the summer?? It'll be starred in the next Favorite Nail Polishes Post! :) 


Best Books To Bring To The Beach/Pool

Summertime!!! Okay, so summertime is a moment of the year where you want to relax and refresh, and while you're doing that a little bit of daydreaming wouldn't hurt right? Dreaming about love, dreaming about your future and maybe, I don't know clothes!! Or is it just me, okay, I'll go back to my corner.

So here are some books that will make you get away from the real world and make you daydream again and again, you ready, let's get started!

Okay, this one is a little obvious but come on, I couldn't have started my book choice without the Hunger Games!! They have romance, adventure, suspense, basically all that you (I?) need to keep on reading a book :))

A little bit of suspense while you're reading a book, tons of emotions and the fact that the suspense is not going to end in a single book but last for very long makes my heart beat very very fast. Yes, that's right I am talking about the Pretty Little Liars. I love it!!!

A story of a girl, wait actually 4 bestfriends, who are trying to figure out where they belong. One day, they find a pair of pants which then becomes the "Traveling Pants". Those books are very girly and fun to read, if you just want to chill near the pool this is the books that I'd suggest you to read.

And of course, we cannot end without the classic, Nicholas Sparks. Every single (in both ways ;) dream of living a Nicholas Sparks kind of romance. All of the books are very different yet the same and they're..... I just cannot find a word to describe the Nicholas Sparks novels. They're perfection. 

Those are the books that I enjoy bringing to the beach with me. I don't know if you noticed but every single book that I showed has become a movie/tv show I don't know why but I enjoy reading books and then watching the movie(not the other way around) I don't know I enjoy it way more cause I can kind a predict what's going to happen next.

FTC Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
And no Nicholas Sparks did not pay me with the true love (unfortunately) 


Get Fit: TV Workouts!!

So, who doesn't like to watch tv? Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, Keeping with the Kardashians, The Secret Life Of An American Teenager and this list can go on and on. BUT(!) yes there is a but to everything, how do you expect losing weight when you're lying on your couch? No, it's not gonna happen. But (again) I found the perfect solution for you. What about a workout that you'll do when you're watching TV?

TV Commercial Workout:

So this is my favorite cause really, I don't want to workout during my favorite show (but I will if I have to)  and you know those annoying commercial that interrupt your show, well they're going to get you fitter!! This is seriously the best idea someone could come up with!

The Pretty Little Liars Workout:

I feel like a lot of girls follow Pretty Little Liars (so am I :) you don't just need to sit on your couch! Get up and do those exercises, if you do this one plus the commercial one you won't even have to workout more during the day! So it's a double win!

The True Blood Workout:

The Kardashians Workout:

The Spongebob Workout:

The Secret Life Of An American Teenager Workout:

The Vampire Diaries Workout:

American Idol Workout:

So yeah that's just some of them you can find tons of more on the internet! Check out this blog for more! They even have movie workouts which are super cool!! :)

Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored 


To Wear: Bikini Cover-Ups

Hey guys, so I know that it's very hot outside and we want to go to the beach pretty much every single day. But not because you go to beach that you won't put on cute clothes! There are tons of cute cover-ups and you can pair them with cool bikinis and sandals/flip-flops :) So check out the ones that I came up with! P.S. I've tried to keep them on budget so you wouldn't have to spend a fortune on beach clothes ;)

Beachfit number 1:

This one is a very colorful one, it has pretty much every single summer color in it but I am in love with the red bikini!! It goes super well with the sandals :)

Beachfit number 2:

This one is more girly and romantic the baby pink of the dress completes the bikini very well, I've always found brown and baby pink adorable! I don't think there is a more flirty combinaison than this.

Beachfit number 3:

This outfit is very very simple yet feminine without the dress. The dress is what brings you the summer breeze. It's super lightweight and it adds an amazing pop of color on your outfit so you'll be sure to turn heads at the beach :)

FYI: If you're interested on buying any of those clothing just go on here and search the outfit you want, double click on the clothing item and it'll bring to the web site of the brand :)

I hope it was helpful and fun to read and I'll write to you guys later :) Bye!

Disclaimer: This post wasn't sponsored, all opinions are my own.


Low Calorie Summer Drinks

Hey guys! So since it's summer, we all want lots of liquids, we get bored of water sometimes and we want something that will fill us up and has great taste. After my researches on internet I've found some cool smoothies/milkshakes :D P.S. Don't worry all of them are low caloric and healthy (and non-alcoholic) :)

If you are looking for smoothies that will replace your meals and still be super delicious and healthy just click here :)

Have you tried out Starbucks Refreshers Beverage? They all taste like fruits and don't have lots of calories :)

Those smoothies are all under 350 calories and they fill you up very very well :) They're all made of fruits!

If you're looking for a refresher and don't care about the calories at all then I'd check out those, they're just amazingly yummy!!!!

Check out my video where I show you a super good healthy cold drink (made with green tea) :)

I hope I was helpful, let me know on the comments below if you tried out any of those :) Thanks!!


Two New Videos Are ON!!!

So I am terribly sorry that I wasn't able to update but here I am back on track with a little update and a make up tutorial :)

Here is the update + a very healthy drink:

And click here for the summer party tutorial that I did only using my Naked 2 palette :)


Cute Tank Tops For The Summer

Hello guys, so summer rimes with color and fun and heat right? So I checked out some cute tank tops to go with the heat, colors and of course, the fun :D They're all super cute and super inexpensive so check them out!

They're all super cute! My favorites are the one with the knitted back and the one with the owl :)

P.S.: If you are interested on buying one check out this link ( http://www.polyvore.com/forever_21/set?id=53009509 ) double click on the tank you want :)

FTC Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored, all opinions are my own.


My Everyday Summer Make Up

I tried to keep it as simple but as pretty as possible, please ignore the spot I forgot to blend in :)

TV Shows I Watch

Hello guys! So, it's summer and we all get bored sometimes :) I tend to watch tv shows when I am bored so here they are:

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf is about a guy who was bitten by a werewolf and who now became one. He falls in love with the werewolf hunters' girl. There are a few types of werewolfs. What I love the most about the show is that it's a fun, romantic and action show. Normally the shows are only two of those, it's great how they put it all together. It's a summer series shown on MTV and the second season is currently shown. I suggest you to check it out. 

The Vampire Diaries (TVD)

So, Vampire Diaries is one of the most popular teen shows. It's about a girl who meets a guy and falls in love with him. It's only later that she learns that he's a vampire. A few weeks later his brother comes in town and he gets close to the girl. She later learns that she looks exactly like a girl (vampire) who both dated in the late 1800s.

Pretty Little Liars (PLL)

Oh, pretty little liars, nothing much to say about it except that you become addicted to this show. Every episode is full of surprises and suspense. Basically, it's about 4 girls who's friend died a few years ago, they start receiving sms from A who knows all of their secrets. It's kind a creepy but I promise you, you won't regret it!!!

So those were my top 3, the ones I really really love but if you are looking for some other tv shows to watch here are some:
- Hart of Dixie
- The Lying Game
- Suburgatory
- New Girl
- Ringer
- Jane by Design
- Once Upon A Time

I hope I helped you guys :) Thanks for your time!


Sparkly Monday

Hi there! Sooo, I know that Mondays aren't that hard because we are on vacation but I thought I'd start an habit called "Sparkly Monday" where I'd post inspiring, funny, girly stuff to get you guys through this horrible day :P Okay, so let's get started!

This picture made me aww soo mcuh because I watched only a bit of the movie but I can see why he is trying to give her flowers. Even though she said she didn't want any, he thinks and buys her carrots :)) How cute!!! And there are guys who don't even think about giving a flowers....

Isn't this 100% true for everyone?? It gets worse when you are with your bestfriends and with strangers cause you try to seem calm but there are a thousand jokes going on in your & your best friends head! :P

I love this picture because it reflects my policy, I really don't know where I am going, I am trying hard to go somewhere good, but I have no idea which direction to take... But I also know that someday I will be there, where ever my destiny is to be I will be there and nothing is going to stop it. So, I don't know where I am going but I am on my way.


Fave Links

Hello there!
I am soooo excited because it's my first post (message?) on here!! Yay!! So whenever I can't film I just need to write stuff on here :) So, this post is about my favorite links!!! I consult those links pretty much everyday. Sooooooooo here they are:


I love seventeen.com cause you can read pretty much everything that's in the magazine. It's very practical for me because it's very hard for me to buy it since I don't live in the States. There are tons of fun quizzes and games that I really enjoy (especially quizzes) of there are tons of freebies for those of you who do live in the States. There is also a seventeen advice blog, it's somewhere where you can ask whatever question you want (no judgement) and people answer to your questions. The answer come (most of the time) from teens like us! :D


There isn't a lot to say about weheartit, except that it's one of the best sites on net to find pictures. You just insert a few words in the search tab and you find whatever you were looking for! Pretty cool right??


Shape.com is a site where only weight loss, healthy weight maintaining tricks are written. There are tons of workouts, tips  and recipes!! Something that they just created is the recipe finder (up left) you write what you are craving (pasta-beef-rice&grains-soups-chicken-veggies) and then you insert how many calories you want it to be, how many time you want to spend to cook it, your skill level and the cost! It's super easy and it gives you results in a blink! Try it out :D

FTC Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored. All opinions are my own.